Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Tugas Bhs. Inggris (Exercise 4: Articles)

11. John and Marcy went to the school yesterday and then studied in the library before returning home.
John dan Marcy pergi ke sekolah kemarin dan kemudian belajar di perpustakaan sebelum pulang.

12. The Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in the North America.
Danau Erie adalah salah satu dari lima Great Lakes di Amerika Utara.

13. On our trip to a Spain we crosses the Atlantic Ocean.
Pada perjalanan kami ke Spanyol kita lewati Samudra Atlantik.

14. The Mount Rushmore is the site of a magnificent tribute to the four great American presidents.
The Mount Rushmore merupakan situs sebuah penghargaan yang luar biasa untuk empat presiden besar Amerika.

15. What did you eat for a breakfast this morning?
Apa yang kamu makan untuk sarapan pagi ini?

16. Louie played a basketball and a baseball at the Boy's Club this year.
Louie memainkan bola basket dan baseball di Boy Club tahun ini.

17. Rita plays a violin and her sister plays a guitar.
Rita memainkan biola dan kakaknya memainkan gitar.

18. While we were in the Alaska, we saw an Eskimo village.
Sementara kami berada di Alaska, kami melihat sebuah desa Eskimo.

19. Phill can't go to the movies tonight because he has to write an essay.
Phill tidak bisa pergi ke bioskop malam ini karena ia harus menulis esai.

20. David attended the Princeton University.
David menghadiri Universitas Princeton.

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Tips Menghilangkan Bekas Luka

Memiliki bekas luka atau bercak hitam sering membuat kita ngerasa tidak percayadiri. Apalagi, sudah mencoba banyak produk tetapi hasilnya tidak memuaskan ya? Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips menghilangkan bekas luka dengan cara sederhana:

1. Ambil daun kapuk randu beberapa lembar, cuci hingga bersih. Kompres atau bersihkan area luka yang membekas tersebut dengan air hangat dengan sabun antiseptik. Gosokan daun tersebut di bagian yang membekas. Ulangi beberapa kali dan lakukan 2 kali sehari. Bisa juga anda menumbuk atau memblender daun tersebut dan oleskan di bagian bekas luka. Ingat, bila anda merasa gatal hentikan pemakaian!

2. Ambil teh basi atau yang sudah terpakai. Bila menggunakan teh celup, buka kemasannya hingga bagian daun terlihat. Gosok teh tersebut di bagian tubuh yang terdapat bekas luka. Lakukan seperti sedang melulur bagian tubuh. Diamkan sebentar kira-kira 10-15 menit. Lakukan secara rutin seminggu minimal dua kali.

3. Ambil buah pare, tumbuk dan ambil air atau sarinya. Campur air tersebut dengan tepung beras hingga berbentuk seperti krim. Basuh bagian bekas luka yang ingin dihilangkan dengan air hangat. Oleskan secara teratur pada bekas luka tersebut. Ramuan ini juga dapat dilakukan untuk memutihkan wajah atau tubuh.

4. Ambil bagian putih dalam telur. Pisahkan dan tambahkan madu lalu aduk hingga merata. Oleskan pada bagian bekas luka tersebut secara rutin. Ramuan ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan flek pada wajah.

5. Rendam beras selama 15 menit, angkat dan tumbuk sampai halus. Tumbuk beberapa buah kencur hingga halus dan campur dengan beras tadi. Setelah merata bubuhkan pada bekas luka setiap hari selama dua minggu.

6. Ambil satu suing bawang merah, parut hingga halus. Setelah halus tempelkan pada bagian bekas luka tersebut. Bawang merah juga bisa digunakan untuk menyembuhkan luka bakar, keloid dan bisul.

7. Percaya atau tidak, pasta gigi dengan kandungan pemutih dapat menghilangkan bekas luka. Caranya oleskan sesering mungkin pada bagian bekas luka yang ingin dihilangkan. Diamkan selama 15-30 menit secara rutin. Bersihkan dengan air hangat.

Selamat Mencoba. Semoga Tips dari saya dapat membantu Anda.

Smoking Dangers

Cigarettes are toxic things that give effect to relax and feel more manly suggestion. Behind the usefulness or benefits of cigarettes a piece that contained a very big danger for people who smoke and those around smokers who were nonsmokers.
1. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals are toxic and 43 200 of which other types can cause cancer in the body. Some very dangerous substances that are tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc..
2. The new cigarette smoke in the ashtray to die three times as much material containing cancer trigger in the air and 50 times contain pengiritasi eyes and breathing. The shorter the higher the toxicity of cigarettes are ready to float into the air. A place filled with cigarette smoke pollution is a more dangerous place than the pollution in the streets of a jammed highway.
3. Someone who tried smoking usually be addictive because cigarettes are addictive is difficult to be released under any conditions. A heavy smoker will choose smoking than if the money he has to eat is limited.
4. Most smokers will usually invite other people who have not smoked for smoking to be feeling the same pain with it, namely cigarette smoke trapped in an evil addiction. Some smokers also have deliberately smoking in public places so that the exhaled tobacco smoke can be inhaled to others, so that others will be exposed to the disease.

I do not intend to prohibit or asked you to quit smoking because I do not have rights to it. I only intend to share the knowledge I can in order to be useful for people like you yangg dear to me.
Data from cigarettes in the U.S.:
1. Deaths due to tobacco deaths from drug-20x
2. Smoking shortens the life of 21 years (mean: a person who does not smoke is expected to live 83 years, the same person will only live 62 years if smoking)
3. 1 of 4 smokers die prematurely (died young)
4. Compared with nonsmokers, smokers of death due to lung cancer:
- 1 to 9 stems 4.6%
- 10 to 19 bars 8.6%
- 20 - 39 stems 14.7%
- 18.7% 40 + trunks
5. Someone smokers aged 45 years and over will have a risk of a heart attack than nonsmokers 4x fold.

MOUTH CANCER is one of the diseases caused by smoking.
Buerger's disease also caused by disease from smoking, even this disease there is no specific treatment except by quitting smoking. After a long time sufferer of this disease to be amputated.

No hypocrite I had ever tried smoking cigarettes, smoking cigarettes apostles did make my mind feels calm but that's what I felt no other sensation that I feel special. After feeling what I was smoking for that thing "weird" that I've ever done and I never want to repeat it again.
You have a family right? Have people who you care about it?
Do you have the heart to let the people who love you are stuck in a high risk of death?
I just wanted to share my knowledge and I want the people who surround me reduce mortality due to smoking.


Business Ten Promising Next Ten Years

Almost all people have the aspiration to own their own businesses.
But often times, they are confused how to get started, what business
to their respective fields and how well prospects.

Coincidence "INC" (a leading business media in America) recently
release of important information for the businessman who wants to know
The most promising business prospects to more than 10
coming year. They are:

1. Business Internet, data processing and other information services (sales in the website/ internet)
2. Computer systems and services related thereto
3. Software (buying and selling applications)
4. Employment services
5. Consulting: management, science, and technical
6. Home Health Care
7. Personal financial advisory services
8. Child care services
9. Arts, entertainment, and recreation
10. Film / Video

From these data, it looks the business number ONE of the most
promises to more than 10 years is the internet

The information revolution is underway. As well as
cars 'revolutionize' horse-drawn carriage, digital cameras began
replace manual camera and now also has changed the INTERNET
habits of the community in seeking information and do business.